Bihet Family Tree

The Channel Island Bihets

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A Fighting Family       The Story         Photos

Pierre Bihet (photo)          Marcel George Bihet


Jean Marc Desiré Bihet (of Bolleville, la Manche, Normandie)  married  Josephine Brochard   (Map)

They had one child - Pierre François Desiré Bihet (born 3 November 1857)

Click on Photo

(click on photo)

Pierre François Desiré Bihet (3.11.1857 - 3.1.1937)  married  Marie Ann Desiré Picot (16.2.1865 - 5.12.1943(daughter of Joseph Picot and Justine Le Jeunne)

Pierre & Marie had 8 children whilst in Jersey

(click on the names for more information)

Ernest Bihet

Marcel George Bihet  

Ada Bihet 

Marie Louise Bihet 

Justine Bihet 

Jean (John) Bihet 

Constant Bihet 

Arthur Bihet 

(There may have been another - Joseph - who died soon after birth)


See 'A Fighting Family' for photographs and details of war service

Pierre's birth certificate  (part 2)           Pierre's death certificate        Marie's death certificate

Photo of group of 3 of the Bihets, taken in Guernsey


The Story

Pierre François Desiré Bihet was born 3 November 1857 at Bolleville (Canton de la Haye du Puits) in la Manche, Normandy.   He was the only child of Jean Marc Desiré Bihet & Josephine Brochard.    Pierre married Marie Anne Picot - born 16.2.1865 at Bonneville (Canton de Saint Sauveur le Vicomte)      (Map)

Pierre & Marie Ann eloped to Jersey from their homes in Normandy, as their families were against the marriage.  Marie gave birth to 8 children whilst in Jersey.  Most of the children stayed there, while the rest of the family moved on to Alderney, where Constant stayed, then on to Guernsey.  Only Pierre and Marie, and 2 of their children -  Marcel George and Justine - made their homes in Guernsey.    They lived at the Grange, La Carrière, Vale, and Pierre worked as a labourer.

Pierre died on the 3 January 1937 (aged 79) at home - La Carrière, Vale (heart failure & myocarditis).   Marie died during the Occupation on 5 December 1943 (aged 78) at the Town Hospital, Saint Peter Port (coma & apoplexy).  Her last given address was at Les Nouettes, Forest, Guernsey.

Pierre and Marie Bihet are buried together at the Vale Cemetery, Guernsey  (with their daughter Justine) - Home


A Fighting Family  The Bihets in World War I

Ernest           Marcel George       Ada         Marie Louise          Justine           Jean           Constant         Arthur

        Allain Family            Guernesey en web français             French Search Engines                 Learn French

A Child's War by Molly Bihet              Woodcote Holidays

Read about mum's book, including extracts, reviews, a little of André's Story, pictures etc    (also french version )         

Mental Health Info & Links  - my other site      (also french version )


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